001package org.maltparser.core.syntaxgraph;
003import java.util.SortedMap;
005import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException;
006import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolTable;
011* @author Johan Hall
013public class RootLabels {
014        public final static String DEFAULT_ROOTSYMBOL = "ROOT";
015        private final LabelSet rootLabelCodes;
017        public RootLabels() {
018                rootLabelCodes = new LabelSet();
019        }
021        public void setRootLabels(String rootLabelOption, SortedMap<String, SymbolTable> edgeSymbolTables) throws MaltChainedException {
022                if (edgeSymbolTables == null) {
023                        return;
024                } else if (rootLabelOption == null || rootLabelOption.trim().length() == 0) {
025                        for (SymbolTable table : edgeSymbolTables.values()) {
026                                rootLabelCodes.put(table, table.addSymbol(RootLabels.DEFAULT_ROOTSYMBOL));
027                        }
028                } else if (rootLabelOption.trim().indexOf(',') == -1) {
029                        int index = rootLabelOption.trim().indexOf('=');
030                        if (index == -1) {
031                                for (SymbolTable table : edgeSymbolTables.values()) {
032                                        rootLabelCodes.put(table, table.addSymbol(rootLabelOption.trim()));
033                                }
034                        } else {
035                                String name = rootLabelOption.trim().substring(0, index);
036                                if (edgeSymbolTables.get(name) == null) {
037                                        throw new SyntaxGraphException("The symbol table '"+ name+"' cannot be found when defining the root symbol. ");
038                                } else {
039                                        rootLabelCodes.put(edgeSymbolTables.get(name), edgeSymbolTables.get(name).addSymbol(rootLabelOption.trim().substring(index+1)));
040                                        if (edgeSymbolTables.size() > 1) {
041                                                for (SymbolTable table : edgeSymbolTables.values()) {
042                                                        if (!table.getName().equals(name)) {
043                                                                rootLabelCodes.put(table, table.addSymbol(RootLabels.DEFAULT_ROOTSYMBOL));                                      
044                                                        }
045                                                }
046                                        }
047                                }
048                        }
049                } else {
050                        String[] items = rootLabelOption.trim().split(",");
051                        for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
052                                int index = items[i].trim().indexOf('=');
053                                if (index == -1) {
054                                        throw new SyntaxGraphException("The root symbol is undefinied. ");
055                                } else {
056                                        String name = items[i].trim().substring(0, index);
057                                        if (edgeSymbolTables.get(name) == null) {
058                                                throw new SyntaxGraphException("The symbol table'"+ name+"' cannot be found when defining the root symbol. ");
059                                        } else {
060                                                rootLabelCodes.put(edgeSymbolTables.get(name), edgeSymbolTables.get(name).addSymbol(items[i].trim().substring(index+1)));
061                                        }
062                                }
063                        }
064                        for (SymbolTable table : edgeSymbolTables.values()) {
065                                if (!rootLabelCodes.containsKey(table)) {
066                                        rootLabelCodes.put(table, table.addSymbol(RootLabels.DEFAULT_ROOTSYMBOL));                                      
067                                }
068                        }
069                }
070        }
072        public void setDefaultRootLabel(SymbolTable table, String defaultRootSymbol) throws MaltChainedException {
073                rootLabelCodes.put(table, table.addSymbol(defaultRootSymbol));  
074        }
076        public Integer getDefaultRootLabelCode(SymbolTable table) throws MaltChainedException {
077                Integer res = rootLabelCodes.get(table);
078                if (res == null) {
079                        return table.addSymbol(RootLabels.DEFAULT_ROOTSYMBOL);
080                }
081                return res;
082        }
084        public LabelSet getDefaultRootLabels() throws MaltChainedException {
085                return new LabelSet(rootLabelCodes);
086        }
088        public String getDefaultRootLabelSymbol(SymbolTable table) throws MaltChainedException {
089                return table.getSymbolCodeToString(getDefaultRootLabelCode(table));
090        }
093        public boolean checkRootLabelCodes(LabelSet rlc) {
094                if (rlc == null && rootLabelCodes == null) {
095                        return true; // or false ?
096                } else if ((rlc == null && rootLabelCodes != null) || (rlc != null && rootLabelCodes == null)) {
097                        return false;
098                } else if (rlc.size() != rootLabelCodes.size()) {
099                        return false;
100                } else {
101                        for (SymbolTable table : rootLabelCodes.keySet()) {
102                                if (!rootLabelCodes.get(table).equals(rlc.get(table))) {
103                                        return false;
104                                }
105                        }
106                        return true;
107                }
108        }