001package org.maltparser.core.symbol.trie;
003import java.io.BufferedReader;
004import java.io.BufferedWriter;
005import java.io.IOException;
006import java.util.Set;
007import java.util.SortedMap;
008import java.util.TreeMap;
010import org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException;
011import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolException;
012import org.maltparser.core.symbol.SymbolTable;
013import org.maltparser.core.symbol.nullvalue.InputNullValues;
014import org.maltparser.core.symbol.nullvalue.NullValues;
015import org.maltparser.core.symbol.nullvalue.OutputNullValues;
016import org.maltparser.core.symbol.nullvalue.NullValues.NullValueId;
019@author Johan Hall
020@since 1.0
022public class TrieSymbolTable implements SymbolTable {
023        private final String name;
024        private final Trie trie;
025        private final SortedMap<Integer, TrieNode> codeTable;
026        private int category;
027        private final NullValues nullValues;
028        private int valueCounter;
029    /** Cache the hash code for the symbol table */
030    private int cachedHash;
033        public TrieSymbolTable(String _name, Trie _trie, int _category, String nullValueStrategy) throws MaltChainedException { 
034                this.name = _name;
035                this.trie = _trie;
036                this.category = _category;
037                codeTable = new TreeMap<Integer, TrieNode>();
038                if (this.category != SymbolTable.OUTPUT) {
039                        nullValues = new OutputNullValues(nullValueStrategy, this);
040                } else {
041                        nullValues = new InputNullValues(nullValueStrategy, this);
042                }
043                valueCounter = nullValues.getNextCode();
044        }
046        public TrieSymbolTable(String _name, Trie trie) { 
047                this.name = _name;
048                this.trie = trie;
049                codeTable = new TreeMap<Integer, TrieNode>();
050                nullValues = new InputNullValues("one", this);
051                valueCounter = 1;
052        }
054        public int addSymbol(String symbol) throws MaltChainedException {
055                if (nullValues == null || !nullValues.isNullValue(symbol)) {
056                        if (symbol == null || symbol.length() == 0) {
057                                throw new SymbolException("Symbol table error: empty string cannot be added to the symbol table");
058                        }
060                        final TrieNode node = trie.addValue(symbol, this, -1);
061                        final int code = node.getEntry(this); 
062                        if (!codeTable.containsKey(code)) {
063                                codeTable.put(code, node);
064                        }
065                        return code;
066                } else {
067                        return nullValues.symbolToCode(symbol);
068                }
069        }
071        public String getSymbolCodeToString(int code) throws MaltChainedException {
072                if (code >= 0) {
073                        if (nullValues == null || !nullValues.isNullValue(code)) {
074                                TrieNode node = codeTable.get(code);
075                                if (node != null) {
076                                        return trie.getValue(node, this);
077                                } else {
078                                        return null;
079                                }
080                        } else {
081                                return nullValues.codeToSymbol(code);
082                        }
083                } else {
084                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol code '"+code+"' cannot be found in the symbol table. ");
085                }
086        }
088        public int getSymbolStringToCode(String symbol) throws MaltChainedException {
089                if (symbol != null) {
090                        if (nullValues == null || !nullValues.isNullValue(symbol)) {
091                                final Integer entry = trie.getEntry(symbol, this);
092                                if (entry != null) {
093                                        return entry.intValue(); 
094                                } else {
095                                        return -1;
096                                }
097                        } else {
098                                return nullValues.symbolToCode(symbol);
099                        }
100                } else {
101                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol code '"+symbol+"' cannot be found in the symbol table. ");
102                }
103        }
105        public double getSymbolStringToValue(String symbol) throws MaltChainedException {
106                if (symbol == null) {
107                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol code '"+symbol+"' cannot be found in the symbol table. ");
108                }
110                return 1.0;     
111        }
112        public void clearTmpStorage() {
114        }
116        public String getNullValueStrategy() {
117                if (nullValues == null) {
118                        return null;
119                }
120                return nullValues.getNullValueStrategy();
121        }
124        public int getCategory() {
125                return category;
126        }
128        public void saveHeader(BufferedWriter out) throws MaltChainedException  {
129                try {
130                        out.append('\t');
131                        out.append(getName());
132                        out.append('\t');
133                        out.append(Integer.toString(getCategory()));
134                        out.append('\t');
135                        out.append(Integer.toString(SymbolTable.STRING));
136                        out.append('\t');
137                        out.append(getNullValueStrategy());
138                        out.append('\n');
139                } catch (IOException e) {
140                        throw new SymbolException("Could not save the symbol table. ", e);
141                }
142        }
144        public int size() {
145                return codeTable.size();
146        }
149        public void save(BufferedWriter out) throws MaltChainedException  {
150                try {
151                        out.write(name);
152                        out.write('\n');
153                        for (Integer code : codeTable.keySet()) {
154                                out.write(code+"");
155                                out.write('\t');
156                                out.write(trie.getValue(codeTable.get(code), this));
157                                out.write('\n');
158                        }
159                        out.write('\n');
160                } catch (IOException e) {
161                        throw new SymbolException("Could not save the symbol table. ", e);
162                }
163        }
165        public void load(BufferedReader in) throws MaltChainedException {
166                int max = 0;
167                int index = 0;
168                String fileLine;
169                try {
170                        while ((fileLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
171                                if (fileLine.length() == 0 || (index = fileLine.indexOf('\t')) == -1) {
172                                        setValueCounter(max+1);
173                                        break;
174                                }
175                                int code = Integer.parseInt(fileLine.substring(0,index));
176                                final String str = fileLine.substring(index+1);
177                                final TrieNode node = trie.addValue(str, this, code);
178                                codeTable.put(node.getEntry(this), node); 
179                                if (max < code) {
180                                        max = code;
181                                }
182                        }
183                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
184                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol table file (.sym) contains a non-integer value in the first column. ", e);
185                } catch (IOException e) {
186                        throw new SymbolException("Could not load the symbol table. ", e);
187                }
188        }
190        public String getName() {
191                return name;
192        }
194        public int getValueCounter() {
195                return valueCounter;
196        }
198        private void setValueCounter(int valueCounter) {
199                this.valueCounter = valueCounter;
200        }
202        protected void updateValueCounter(int code) {
203                if (code > valueCounter) {
204                        valueCounter = code;
205                }
206        }
208        protected int increaseValueCounter() {
209                return valueCounter++;
210        }
212        public int getNullValueCode(NullValueId nullValueIdentifier) throws MaltChainedException {
213                if (nullValues == null) {
214                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol table does not have any null-values. ");
215                }
216                return nullValues.nullvalueToCode(nullValueIdentifier);
217        }
219        public String getNullValueSymbol(NullValueId nullValueIdentifier) throws MaltChainedException {
220                if (nullValues == null) {
221                        throw new SymbolException("The symbol table does not have any null-values. ");
222                }
223                return nullValues.nullvalueToSymbol(nullValueIdentifier);
224        }
226        public boolean isNullValue(String symbol) throws MaltChainedException {
227                if (nullValues != null) {
228                        return nullValues.isNullValue(symbol);
229                } 
230                return false;
231        }
233        public boolean isNullValue(int code) throws MaltChainedException {
234                if (nullValues != null) {
235                        return nullValues.isNullValue(code);
236                } 
237                return false;
238        }
240//      public void copy(SymbolTable fromTable) throws MaltChainedException {
241//              final SortedMap<Integer, TrieNode> fromCodeTable =  ((TrieSymbolTable)fromTable).getCodeTable();
242//              int max = getValueCounter()-1;
243//              for (Integer code : fromCodeTable.keySet()) {
244//                      final String str = trie.getValue(fromCodeTable.get(code), this);
245//                      final TrieNode node = trie.addValue(str, this, code);
246//                      codeTable.put(node.getEntry(this), node); //.getCode(), node);
247//                      if (max < code) {
248//                              max = code;
249//                      }
250//              }
251//              setValueCounter(max+1);
252//      }
254        public SortedMap<Integer, TrieNode> getCodeTable() {
255                return codeTable;
256        }
258        public Set<Integer> getCodes() {
259                return codeTable.keySet();
260        }
262        protected Trie getTrie() {
263                return trie;
264        }
266        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
267                if (this == obj)
268                        return true;
269                if (obj == null)
270                        return false;
271                if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
272                        return false;
273                final TrieSymbolTable other = (TrieSymbolTable)obj;
274                return ((name == null) ? other.name == null : name.equals(other.name));
275        }
277        public int hashCode() {
278                if (cachedHash == 0) {
279                        cachedHash = 217 + (null == name ? 0 : name.hashCode());
280                }
281                return cachedHash;
282        }
284        public String toString() {
285                final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
286                sb.append(name);
287                sb.append(' ');
288                sb.append(valueCounter);
289                return sb.toString();
290        }